Topic outline
- General
- We have learnt about Elementary Transformations, rank of a matrix and how to find rank using Row reduced Echelon form.
- We studied the conversion of the matrix to the normal form and finding the rank of the matrix
- Inverse of a matrix and finding inverse using Gauss Jordan Method
- We discussed how to check the consistency of system of simultaneous equations and to find the values of unknowns
- We discussed the system of a homogeneous linear equations and its solutions
- We discussed Linear transformations and Orthogonal transformations
- Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors of a matrix with suitable example
- Statement & Proof of Cayley – Hamilton Theorem
- Diagonal Matrices, Similar Matrices
- Introduction, Differential Equation, Kinds of Differential Equation, Order and Degree of Differential Equation, Formation of ODE, Solution of ODE, Exact Differential Equation, Theorem on Exactness
- Examples of Exact Differential Equations, Equation Reducible to Exact Equations, Integrating Factor by Inspection Method, Rules for Find Integrating Factors, Clairaut’s Equation
- Equation Solvable for p,y,x, Leibnitz's Linear Differential Equation, Bernoulli's Equation
- Leibnitz linear form
- Introduction, Types of Differential Equations, Complete Solution of Homogeneous DE, Rules for Finding the Complementary Function, Complete Solution of Non-Homogeneous DE, Rules for Finding the Particular Integral
- Method of Variation of Parameters, Operator Method, Cauchy’ s Homogeneous Linear Equation, Legendre’s Linear Equation, Simultaneous Linear Equation with constant coefficients
- Complex Numbers, De-Moivre’s Theorem, Roots of complex numbers, Express n power of cos and sin in terms of cosine or sine of multiples of angle
- Expansion of Cos nq and Sin nq, Expansion of tan nq, Expansion of tan (q1 + q2 + q3 + …+ qn ), Exponential Function of a Complex Variable, Circular Functions of a Complex Variable
- Topic 18
- Topic 19
- Topic 20
- Topic 21
- Topic 22
- Topic 23
- Topic 24
- Topic 25
- Topic 26
- Topic 27
- Topic 28
- Topic 29
- Topic 30